
Mobility-Online also comes in handy in the field of marketing and event management. The software has built-in functions for managing agents and events, attending conferences or meetings, uploading documents, or sharing notes with other users. The CRM features make it possible to launch email campaigns, connect to social networks, maintain leads and monitor marketing-related tasks. A calendar is also available to make work easier for users.


The system includes CRM functionalities for managing leads and the active promotion of the study offerings through automated email campaigns. The status of prospective students may be specified as required and each case can be managed in as much detail as necessary.  All collected and displayed data is customizable.


Campaigns are an important part of the marketing strategy. Mobility-Online supports this task. The system makes it possible to set up campaigns, add leads to these campaigns, monitor them, and ensure that everyone who shows interest in the university's offerings is sufficiently informed.

Additionally, the software supports building visually appealing emails with the help of pre-designed and editable blocks. Such templates can then be saved, targeted, and used in marketing campaigns. Once created, they can be selected in the general email sending program.


Mobility-Online simplifies tracking of international activities such as workshops, seminars, conferences, welcome events, etc. for the users. One can select their own event types, the type of event, and possible statuses.

In the so-called Event Workflow, events can be tracked by status. The workflow is completely flexible.

One can manage the master data of the events and add important information such as the name, content, date, and venue. Publishing information about the event on social media is also made easy.