Collaborative School Project Management Software

Optimise project management and collaboration across schools with our software. Simplify the digital eTwinning journey for all the users involved.

Application management

eTwinning Online supports the management of application processes for all types of events.

Applicants have their own account. The menu is simple and easy to understand. There, they can fill in online forms, see what steps they need to take, add missing information, and see how all their applications are progressing. The system guides the applicant step by step through the entire application process.

Applicants will also be able to view a list of the events for which they are eligible to apply. Detailed information about the event can be viewed by clicking on the name of the event. Once registered, each applicant will also be able to apply for a new event.

Managers have the ability to process applications through the administrator account. eTwinning-Online allows administrators to process applications in a more efficient manner and in a digital format by providing online forms.


The programme provides automated email correspondence and the ability to keep track of all the correspondence. Email templates can be easily created and edited as required to automate the sending of emails.

Finance Management

eTwinning-Online is designed to help you budget and plan your finances. It helps you with strategic financial planning and allows you to manage all the data relevant to your budget.

Export financial reports to a range of institutions. Manage payments and projects, issue payment instructions to relevant authorities and generate automated budget reports.

Reports and statistics

Generate external and internal reports in the format of your choice at the touch of a button.

Data Management

Transparent overview of relevant information through data management with filters. Clean up your data and keep it free of files you no longer need. Import information in a variety of formats and use the transparency database.