References Higher Education Institutions

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University of Padua

"We have been using Mobility Online for a couple of years now. It is just the tool we needed to manage the complexity of constantly changing processes on the one hand, and the large number of agreements and students in mobility from different programmes on the other.

The features we are appreciating most are the high flexibility and adaptability to our needs, the possibility of integration with our SIS and not least the compliance with EWP. Even when new functionalities and customisations were needed,  our project manager and the whole SOP team has always responded quickly and precisely through development and support activities. We are truly satisfied!"

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Università della Svizzera italiana

"Since few years, we have seen our exchange numbers constantly increase. Managing students, academics, staff, agreements and data in general “in the old way” was not sustainable anymore both in terms of time and resources. After evaluating several solutions, we decided that Mobility Online was the perfect answer to our needs for digitalization of the processes for students’ exchange and for managing partnerships and institutional data in a professional way. There is pretty much nothing that the tool can’t do. Its flexibility and the constant development of new functionalities allowed us to implement the tool based on our own processes and needs, and at the same time we were able to find ways to simplify certain parts of the processes or to make them more efficient. Students appreciate the clarity of their Work Flow and they always have an overview of their application, what they need to do and by when. We, at the IRO, save quite a lot of time thanks to the automatization of the procedures. Furthermore, all documents are centralized, digital and easily accessible. Even though as a Swiss university we are not in the E+, we know that Mobility Online enables the connection to the E+ digital modules (such as DLA, IIA, etc). The responsive portal is a big plus of the tool, even though it requires additional implementation and data collection. It is important to point out that the tool can be complex; understanding the software and its many functionalities needs the adequate amount of time and dedication, so the support of the institution and enough resources are core for the success of the project. After 2 years, we can say that we are very satisfied with Mobility Online and one big thank you goes to our Project Manager, who has accompanied us in this journey with professionalism, great competence, patience, kindness and friendliness."

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Eszterházy Károly University

"Mobility-Online makes are daily work a lot easier, we are able to export and import lots of data from between our systems that helps us save time. It makes the different stages of the exchange procedure more transparent. The applicants have a more easier way to apply for an exchange and what is more important: they can modify and udpate their application documents during their stay abroad and are always kept up-to-date on their status during the whole length of their exchange."

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Ecole Centrale Marseille

"We have been using Mobility Online for 7 years now. In spite of tough start, it enabled the International Relations Office of Ecole Centrale de Marseille to reach the goal of 100% mobility involving an increase of more 200% in the mobility flow. What we mostly appreciate in the system is its plasticity as this huge increase required evolutions in the processes. Today we are not only dealing with the outgoing and incoming students but also the Erasmus+ scholarships. This would indeed not have been possible without the help of the Mobility Online Support Team whom we would like to thank warmly."

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Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

"We have started using Mobility Online in the academic year 2019/20 and are consistently developing it. We are most happy about the flexibility in mapping our procedures with the help of our great project manager who is always there for us finding a tailor-made solution for the needs of our institution. Our team appreciates working with Mobility Online, it made our daily work a lot easier. It takes away a good deal of the paperwork and relieves both staff and students. We can say that it is very user friendly because its user interface is very intuitive and easy to understand. Many thanks to the SOP team for providing this useful software."

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University of Helsinki

"We've been using Mobility Online for both our student and staff exchange programmes since 2009. With approx. 1000 incoming and outgoing students and 100 incoming and outgoing staff members each year, we couldn't imagine getting our work done without Mobility Online. We've been especially pleased with several things: the possibility to make specific changes for just our university, the possibility to have most of the necessary information in one system and the continuous development of the system as our needs and requirements have changed (e.g. national reporting and the Erasmus programme). As both the main user and the technical support for my own colleagues I am able to concentrate on the relevant questions as I can count on the fact that the excellent customer support is always at hand to patiently help me with any questions I might have."

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University of Lucerne

"The University of Lucerne started implementing Mobility Online in 2018 and we are very happy with the system’s capabilities. Yes, it can be complex at times, but this very complexity is what allows the system to do so much and indeed allows each university to tailor the system to their own needs. We have been particularly impressed with the level of support that we have received from our excellent Mobility Online contact person, working with her is a real pleasure and with her help we are eager to continue developing the system to fit our needs. Last but not least, we are grateful for the way in which Mobility Online will allow us, as a Swiss institution to implement the ‘Erasmus without paper’ initiative."

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University of Ferrara

"We are brand new with Mobility-Online (February 2020), but we have been already appreciating the incredible capabilities of this software. It really helps us as IO to be better organised and efficient by storing all the documents and student data.
We have been able to integrate it with third-party university systems from authentication to the import of student data.
Easy to use for students, to keep their situation updated and easy for our staff to monitor the status of each student. It allows a very exhaustive reporting system and the email generation is extremely powerful and configurable.
Last but not least, it’s perfectly integrated with MTool data transferring and is ready for EWP."

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Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences

"I have only been working with Mobility-Online for 1.5 years and have not yet used everything in the software. My previous experiences are mostly positive. Mobility-Online offers all the features needed to manage our mobilities. However, it takes time and, depending on how intensively you deal with it, some programming skills to work effectively and efficiently with it. If problems arose, these were (if possible) promptly resolved by the support staff and comprehensibly explained upon request."

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University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim

"Since I was new at the International Office, I started working with Mobility Online completely impartially and the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences introduced it only a few months before, the portal grew with me as much as I grew with the portal. Introduction requires a lot of work. But even after the introductory period is over, it makes perfect sense to have a contact person for Mobility Online in the team, who can gradually make improvements and adjustments. Because Mobility Online offers an incredible number of possibilities which - once learned - make everyday work in the IO easier.”

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Medical University of Graz

"Although mobility programs are similar across the world, the administration and management varies a lot from institution to institution. Mobility Online is a great tool to map out processes, mainstream common steps, and individualize personal preferences of program coordinators/ administrators. As international relations officer without previous IT knowledge it takes time, willingness to acquire knowledge of the functionality of databases, and your employer's commitment to support this process, but once you are more familiar with it, Mobility Online really makes a difference by providing quick and structured information of each applicant's application status, document overview and next steps. It is an enormous advantage to have a team member that is "literate" in Mobility Online, who can create or adapt processes and quickly react to resolve easy bugs, but sometimes meeting up virtually with your SOP Project Manager to figure out challenging issues or discover new ways to solve a step is necessary and very helpful. Moreover, it is fun to work with Mobility Online!"